You may be motivated to donate eggs in Kingston after seeing someone you know struggle with fertility or simply out of the desire to give other people an opportunity to have children. The fear of losing your ability to get children of your own in future may, however, discourage you from donating your eggs. At Fertility Match, we have worked with many donors, and we assure you that your fertility is safe with us.

In this article, we answer the following common questions regarding donating eggs in Kingston:

  • Will my egg supply get depleted?
  • What are the side effects of donating eggs?
  • How do I prevent any complications that may arise?
  • What are the side effects of the medication used for egg maturation?
  • Will my egg supply get depleted?

    No, your egg supply will not be depleted because the egg donation cycle is similar to a menstrual cycle.
    For instance, a girl will have about 300,000 – 400,000 eggs in her body by the time she reaches puberty. Out of these, only about 400 eggs are ovulated in her lifetime. Out of about 10-20 eggs which mature every menstrual cycle, only one is ovulated while the rest die.

    During an egg donation cycle, we make the eggs in the ovaries grow equally using hormone medication. Unlike in a regular menstrual cycle where a dominant egg is fertilized, and the rest die, our hormone medication turns off the ability of one egg to become dominant. All the eggs, including what would be lost during the normal menstrual cycle, are retrieved. This, therefore, means there is no significant depletion of your egg count when you donate eggs.

    What are the side effects of donating eggs?

    Here are some of the potential side effects you may experience during or after the egg donation cycle:

  • Bloating due to enlarged ovaries
  • Cramping
  • Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome or OHSS, accompanied by symptoms such as rapid weight gain, distended abdomen, difficulty urinating, shortness of breath, nausea and/or vomiting and loss of function of ovaries or other reproductive organs.
  • At Fertility Match, we do not often have donors who experience OHSS. This is because we pay much attention to the dose administered to our donors, especially those with high follicle counts, as they are at risk of OHSS.

    We also make our donors aware of the symptoms they should look out for in the event of OHSS for quick attention and care at our clinics.

    What are the side effects of the medication used for egg maturation?

    Women worry about how taking hormones would impact their fertility or even mood. Because of this, there is concern about the possible side effects of medication used for egg maturation.

    At Fertility Match, we administer hormones that work in similar ways to the hormones produced by the body. Moreover, the doses we administer are specific to each woman’s natural hormone levels and follicle counts. Therefore, the hormone levels will always get to normal two weeks after donation or immediately after the menstrual cycle that follows the retrieval. To date, there is no scientific evidence indicating that these medications impact future fertility.

    Before the donation cycle, we require you to take a birth control pill. This pill, like other injectable hormones or the start of the normal menstrual cycle, can trigger moodiness. The good thing is that the mood stabilizes as the body adapts to the medication.

    How do I prevent any complications that may arise?

    In order to save your fertility and reduce the risks of suffering OHSS, do the following:

  • Follow the medication guidance given at the clinic
  • Within the two weeks before and after retrieval, communicate openly about any symptoms and how you feel
  • Avoid vigorous exercise during the cycle as this might cause the ovary to twist and potentially lead to loss of an ovary
  • Abstain to prevent pregnancy during the donation cycle. If you wish to be pregnant after donation, it is recommended that you wait at least one month.
  • Apply to become an egg donor in Kingston today!

    The team at Fertility Match will take you through the process of becoming an egg donor while ensuring your safety and well-being. We have worked with many donors over the years, and you can be sure you are in the right hands.

    If you want to donate eggs in Kingston, contact Fertility Match for a more fulfilling experience that prioritizes your safety.