Fertility Match


Egg Donation


Is Egg Donation Legal in Canada?
Yes, egg donation is legal in Canada! However, paying an Egg Donor for their eggs is illegal. Canadian egg donation is through a reimbursed expenses model, in which expenses related to the donation can be reimbursed to an Egg Donor.
Will I be reimbursed for my expenses?
Yes, your donation related expenses like vitamins, supplements, and lost wages will be reimbursed by the Intended Parent(s) who have selected you as their Donor. In order to keep your identity private, the Intended Parent(s) will deposit funds into trust account that we will manage and administer for you. All of your travel expenses, including mileage costs, will be reimbursed throughout your donation process. Other expenses related to the donation will be reimbursed to you on the day of your Egg Retrieval, upon completion of required documentation which you will receive in advance.
Will the Intended Parents know who I am?
At Fertility Match, you can choose to be a Semi-Anonymous (also known as open ID) or Known Egg Donor.

A Semi-anonymous or Open ID donation means the receiving Intended Parents will not have any identifying information about you and will not know who you are. However, Fertility Match and the fertility centre(s) you work with keeps records, so that any children who result from your donation can access Egg Donor information once they turn 18 years of age.

A Known donation means that both your and the recipient(s) legal names are used the ovum donation contract and the contract will also stipulate when contact and communication can occur. This can vary from right after the donation up until any children born from a donation up until turn 18 years of age.

We believe – and research shows – that it is important that children know where they come from. That’s why it is important that all Donors in our program be willing to meet a child born from their donation after age 18.

Will I have any legal obligation to the child?
No. When you donate your eggs to a family, any children that result from the are the legal children of the recipients. You have no legal obligation to any child that results from a donation, financial or in terms of custody.
What are the qualifications to be an Egg Donor?

Egg Donors must be between 19-32 years of age (some clinics require Donors to be over 21). You must have a BMI under 28, be a non-smoke, and be generally healthy. You must also be willing to self-administer injectable medications, and able to attend monitoring appointments daily throughout your donation. For the full list of qualifications, please reach out to us!

Can you be an Egg Donor after tubal ligation?
Yes, you can be an Egg Donor after a tubal ligation. As long as your ovaries remain intact, so do the eggs inside them. Tubal ligation only effects your Fallopian tubes, and since the eggs will be retrieved directly from your ovaries, you would still be eligible.
Can I donate my eggs to a friend?
You can definitely donate your eggs to a friend! This type of donation is called a known donation, because both parties are aware of each other’s’ identities. You don’t need to go through an agency for this type of donation, but it is important that you consult with a lawyer to draw up an Ovum Donation Agreement that outlines the requirements and responsibilities for all parties.
How many eggs does a woman have?
A woman is born with hundreds of thousands of eggs. During an egg retrieval, approximately 15-30 eggs are retrieved from the ovaries. These eggs would be released as immature eggs during your cycle. The medications you take during the donation mature more eggs so that they can be fertilized and become embryos.
How many times can you donate eggs?

As per ASRM guidelines, Fertility Match allows their donors a maximum of six lifetime donations. There is a minimum of three months waiting period between donations, both for egg quality reasons and to ensure your health.

Is donating eggs painful?
Many Egg Donors report discomfort during their injections, especially some bloating. However, very few tell us that they are actually in pain. During the retrieval procedure, you will be put under twilight sedation. While you will not be fully unconscious, you should not feel major discomfort during the procedure.
How many eggs do Egg Donors give?
How many eggs are retrieved depends on the Egg Donor. Most Donors release between 15 and 30 eggs. At Fertility Match, we work with conservative clinics who work to make sure that you are not becoming overstimulated. We are not trying to retrieve 40+ eggs; your safety is our highest priority.
What are the risks of donating eggs?
The main risk of egg donation is Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome, or OHSS. This occurs when your ovaries become overstimulated by the medications necessary to be an Egg Donor, and results in bloating from swollen ovaries and free fluid in the abdominal cavity. At Fertility Match, we only work with conservative clinics that we trust to minimize the risk of OHSS.

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If you meet all of these requirements and we believe your profile would be selected by aspiring parents, you will be asked to complete additional medical and psychological testing to ensure you qualify to be a Donor.