Fertility Match

Egg Donation
Because Egg Donation is such an important gift, you do have some responsibilities as an Egg Donor that you must be sure to fulfill. These responsibilities include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following list. They are meant both to ensure the success of your Donation and also your own health and safety.
- Being willing and able to move forward with an Egg Donation within six months.
- Disclosing information about any previous Egg Donations you have done.
- Disclosing any information about medications you are taking and health problems you have or may have had in the past.
- Not smoking or consuming any tobacco products or illicit drugs.
- Not smoking or consuming marijuana products during your donation.
- Following the advisory guidelines set by the clinic you work with on alcohol consumption.
- Refraining from getting any tattoos or piercings while you are an Egg Donor Candidate.
- Following the directions of the clinic in regard to your medications and seeking assistance at any point that you require it.
- Informing Fertility Match of any changes to your health and side effects experienced during your donation, if any.
- Informing Fertility Match of any future health issues you experience that could affect any children born from your donation.